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Titanium dechlorination tower

product properties

  • category:Titanium Nickel Zirconium Equipment
  • Product ID:1571203292
  • Views:0
  • Release date:2020-01-06
  • product description
  • Performance characteristics
  • technical parameter

Titanium dechlorination tower

Three functions of titanium dechlorination tower

Functional materials are engineering materials with physical properties as the main part, i.e. materials with special properties in electricity, magnetism, sound, light, heat, etc., or materials with special functions under their functions. It has been found that there are three special functions of titanium and titanium alloy, which have a bright future

◆ memory function: titanium nickel alloy has one-way, two-way and all-round memory effect at a certain ambient temperature, which is recognized as a good memory alloy. In engineering, the pipe joint is used for the oil pressure system of fighter; the oil pipeline system of petroleum complex; the parabolic mesh antenna with a diameter of 0.5mm is used for aerospace vehicles; in medical engineering, it is used for snoring treatment; and the screw is used for fracture healing. All the above applications have achieved obvious results.

◆ superconducting function: when the temperature of Nb Ti alloy is lower than the critical temperature, it shows the superconducting function of zero resistance.

◆ hydrogen storage function: titanium ferroalloy has the characteristics of hydrogen absorption, which can store a large amount of hydrogen safely and release hydrogen in a certain environment. It has a bright future in hydrogen separation, hydrogen purification, hydrogen storage and transportation, hydrogen based heat pumps and batteries.


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